FMRLAB Tutorial
v 4.0

©Jeng-Ren Duann 2007
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation
University of California San Diego

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1.1 Theory and background
    1.2 Requirement
    1.3 Processing time
    1.4 Image format

  2. Installing FMRLAB
    2.1 Download FMRLAB
    2.2 Unzip and install FMRLAB
    2.3 Add FMRLAB path to Matlab environment
    2.4 Edit FMRLAB setting file, "fmrlab_icadefs.m"
    2.5 Download FMRLAB example dataset

  3. Starting and stopping FMRLAB
    3.1 Start FMRLAB
    3.2 Quit FMRLAB

  4. Image preprocessing
    4.1 Create an FMRLAB dataset
    4.2 Save the FMRLAB dataset
    4.3 Remove initial dummy scans
    4.4 Perform slice timing adjustment
    4.5 Remove off-brain voxels

  5. Decomposing the data with ICA
    5.1 Run the decomposition

  6. Visualizing the independent BOLD components
    6.1 Component browser - on fMRI images
    6.2 Display components on structural images
    6.3 Find dominant components by maximum z value
    6.4 Find dominant components by maximum PVAF
    6.5 Export selected components
    6.6 Spatially normalized the selected component maps
    6.7 Produce a maximal intensity projection (MIP) component display
    6.8 Produce a 2-D slice-overlay component display
    6.9 Produce a 3-D head model rendered display

  7. Appendix - FMRLAB function list
    7.1 Main functions
    7.2 Functions from the ICA/EEG toolbox
    7.3 Functions from the SPM'99 toolbox
    7.4 Function from the SPM'99 toolbox supplement

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