[Eeglablist] 'ncomps' option for runica

Scott Makeig smakeig at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 13:20:12 PST 2005

The 'ncomps' option does not work as originally thought - instead use 
'pca',N where N is the number of components desired. Note. however, that 
minimal use of PCA is preferred (depending on length of training data 
available, mainly).

Scott Makeig

Peter Bachman wrote:

>Hi everyone,
>I am interested in running an ICA decomposition on a 128-channel set of
>epoched EEG data, specifying the number of components I would like the
>solution to include (I can run the decomposition successfully to produce
>128 components - I would like to request fewer).
>Using the pop_runica GUI, I have attempted to use the ncomps option (and
>have reattempted to use ncomps using every modification of the syntax I
>could think of) but receive a variety of errors.  
>I'm wondering if anyone has any experience using the ncomps option for
>runica, and if so, could you suggest specific syntax.  Or if anyone has
>any suggestions as to how I could approach the problems differently, I'd
>sincerely appreciate the input.
>Thanks in advance for your time,
>Peter Bachman
>PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology
>UCLA Department of Psychology
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