[Eeglablist] Channel ERP plots

mkang at email.unc.edu mkang at email.unc.edu
Tue Mar 29 12:36:28 PST 2005

Dear all

I would like to know how I can fix the beggining point(x min) of the marked
segment on the eegplot screen. I got the *.avg file from Neuroscan, which is
already preprocessed. In order to make sure that I can import that into
EEGLAB, I tried to plot that signal for each electrode. However, the channel
ERP plots are really different from Neuroscan's, in that x axis(time) started
out at 0, not -100 at which I want to fix.

That file has no event. Someone explained that makes me not fix xmin.
Without any event, is that impossible for me to fix the "xmin"?

On the other hand, I tried to start with cnt file and then epoch data, which
turns out to be avg file. But the following error message is shown.
Here's the informations about cnt file. When loading that file, Matlab runs
out of memory sometime.

Channels per frame:32
Frames per epoch:1092800
Epochs :1
Sampling rate:500
Epoch start:0
Epoch end:2185.598
Average reference:No
Channel locations:No
ICA weights: No
Data size:280.8

Loading file C:\Program Files\MATLAB6p5\work\oddIAS042cnt.cnt ...
Reading data .....
Scaling data .....
Reading Event Table...
Ignoring 6 keystroke events
eeg_checkset note: upper time limit (xmax) adjusted so (xmax-xmin)*srate+1 =
number of frames
eeg_checkset note: creating the original event table (EEG.urevent)

I epoch the data in cnt file in relation to event "20" and epoch
interval(-500, 500)
Error using==> zeros
Products of dimensions are greater than maximum integer

Channels per frame:32
Frames per epoch:546400
Epochs :1
Sampling rate:500
Epoch start:0
Epoch end:1092.798
Average reference:No
Channel locations:No
ICA weights: No
Data size:140.9

Please help me.

Best regards
Moonsu Kang

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