[Eeglablist] plottopo (2)

Marco Buiatti marco.buiatti at univ-paris5.fr
Thu Apr 14 07:44:51 PDT 2005

Hi again,

here's a technical question: how can I make loglog plots with plottopo? 
I tried to modify the function myself by putting loglog instead of plot 
in the section 'plot data traces', but did not succeed.

Any suggestion is warmly welcome,



Marco Buiatti

Neurophysique et Physiologie du Systeme Moteur - CNRS UMR 8119
UFR biomedicale Les Saints-Peres
45 rue des Saints-Peres 75270 Paris cedex 06
Tel: +33(0)142862146
Fax: +33(0)149279062

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