[Eeglablist] Postdoctoral Positions at UCSF

Sri.Nagarajan Sri.Nagarajan at radiology.ucsf.edu
Mon Jul 11 13:54:45 PDT 2005

Applications are invited for postdoctoral fellowships in the Department
of Radiology at the University of California, San Francisco. We are
seeking scientists for research in functional brain imaging using MEG, fMRI
and cortical electrophysiology. UCSF has a whole-head MEG, several MR
scanners for fMRI and multielectrode recording capabilities. Candidates
will be expected to join in ongoing studies of cortical plasticity
associated with perceptual learning and studies examining neural
mechanisms of auditory feedback during speech production. Salary will
depend on the qualifications and experience of the candidates in line with
NIH scales. The position is to begin as soon as possible and is for two
years. Applicants should submit a C.V. and relevant reprints, together
with a cover letter describing current research interests and future
research goals. Applicants should have a Ph.D. or equivalent in any of the
following areas - neuroscience, functional neuroimaging, psychology, or
cognitive science. Previous experience in functional brain imaging,
psychophysics or cognitive/systems neuroscience is expected. Candidates will
be expected to have strong written and oral communication skills.
Individuals with a strong motivation to work in a highly collaborative and
multi-disciplinary environment are encouraged to apply.

Srikantan Nagarajan
Associate Professor in Residence
Department of Radiology
University of California, San Francisco
513 Parnassus Avenue, S362, San Francisco, CA 94143
Phone: 415-476-4982
E-mail: sri at radiology.ucsf.edu

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