[Eeglablist] chan locs file generation

arno arno at salk.edu
Sun Sep 17 23:29:22 PDT 2006

Dear Sim,

> Can anyone help me how eeglab takes into account the electrode 
> positions. How the chan locs file (.txt) is generated for 10 -20 
> system and how the cartesian coordinates are calculated. Can I 
> generate a chan locs file for a grid like 4*4 with 16 channels etc.
Yes, this is possible. The channel location structure is described at


You have the option 'plotgrid' of topoplot or
to generate a grid in EEGLAB, do something like this

% generate coordinates
count = 1;
for x = -1:4:1
   for y = -1:4:1
      [EEG.chanlocs(count).theta EEG.chanlocs(count).radius] = 
cart2pol(x,y); % convert to planar polar
      EEG.chanlocs(count).labels = sprintf('Elec %d', count);
      count = count+1;

% convert to other formats
EEG.chanlocs = convertlocs(EEG.chanlocs, 'topo2all');

Then topoplot has an option to mask the head ('headrad', 0)

Hope this helps,


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