[Eeglablist] how can I rereference to average of ear electrodes

arno arno at salk.edu
Tue Dec 5 13:21:17 PST 2006

Dear Masaki,
> The montage of our recordings were C3-A2, C4-A1, O1-A2 and O2-A1.
> I have performed pop_reref with data with these four electrodes but data 
> after re-reference seemed quite
> similar prior to re-reference.
The pop_reref() function cannot help you with this kind of setting. 
Unfortunately EEGLAB does not store (yet) the reference for each 
electrode. The montage can thus only be average-reference or common 
reference. So EEGLAB cannot re-reference your data.

Note that in your case, there is not much you can do anyway (with 4 
electrodes, you cannot really compute average reference). So, if you 
cannot use the average reference assumption, it is not possible to 
re-reference all 4 electrodes to (A2+A1)/2.

Hope this helps,


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