[Eeglablist] topographical boundaries in headplot()?

Arnaud Delorme arno at ucsd.edu
Wed Jan 30 15:29:57 PST 2008

The old mesh can still be entered manually (in the graphic interface or 
on the command line). The name of the file is 'mhead.mat' instead of 
'mheadnew.mat'. You will find it in the old releases of EEGLAB (we 
removed it because it was not used any more and was taking a couple of 
megabytes). For instance, you can find it in the "functions/ressources" 
subfolder of eeglab4.3.tgar.gz (available from the EEGLAB download page).

Enter this file in the "3-D head mesh file" of the 3-D scalp plotting 
graphic interface. You will have to coregister your electrode locations 
directly with the upper mesh (where you should be able to recognize the 
position of the ears). The shift, rotation and scaling values for the 
co-registration are something like "0 -25 7 0 0 -1.57 100 110 100". This 
is relatively imprecise though because I was not using fiducial, but it 
is just to give you a rough idea and to get you started.



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