[Eeglablist] Saccade detection

Rodolfo Garcia Bermudez rodolfo at facinf.uho.edu.cu
Thu Feb 28 07:23:56 PST 2008

I am using a saccadic test provided by a commercial equipment
(Otoscreen), it includes a calibration test at 30 degrees, and the
clinic tests at 10, 20, 30 and 60 degrees, the data is stored in a CSV
format file 
In healthy subjects I am using a velocity criteria after the stimulus
transition, it works fine for well defined saccades an fixations, but in
patients with severe affectations, saccades loose their shape, and it is
more difficult to decide the presence of a saccade.
I would like to know about works that could use fuzzy, ICA, wavelets or
other methods to do this.
I have found mostly works about correction of ocular artifacts in the
EEG or saccade detection in gaze guided systems.

Thanks again


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