[Eeglablist] why no location for HEOG and VEOG?

Andreas Widmann widmann at uni-leipzig.de
Thu Mar 6 09:13:01 PST 2008

Dear Arno

> In the latest version of EEGLAB, there is a location for these two
> channels in the standard spherical BESA 10-20 locations.
Is this really a good idea? HEOG and VEOG are associated with bipolar 
EOG recordings in many labs. I'm afraid that users might accidentally 
add location information to bipolar channels.

I usually recommend to use LO1/LO2 and IO1/SO1 (or IO2/SO2; latero-, 
infra-, and supra-orbital) labels for monopolar EOG recording. Parity of 
the labels gives additional information on hemisphere.

LO1, LO2, IO1, SO1, IO2 and SO2 BESA locations are included in the BESA 
file kindly provided by Robert Oostenveld in his Blog Archive:


> Best,
> Arno
>> when i use channel location to my data, why there is no location for
>> HEOG and VEOG?
>> is there any effect on subsequent analysis?

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