[Eeglablist] Single-precision data vs. double-precision data in Matlab

Julie Onton julie at sccn.ucsd.edu
Fri Apr 18 08:51:34 PDT 2008

> to the default single precision using the EEGLAB menu File>Memory. I would
> suggest EEGLAB´s developers to include this option in future releases of

Saving in single vs double precision has been incorporated as an option in 'File -> Memory
options' for the next EEGLAB release.

I would also concur that staying with double precision is the safest route. I just found in a
colleague's data yesterday that rank(EEG.data) went from 27 (134 channel data) in single precision
to 134 in double precision. In her case, ICA actually failed when data was submitted in single

Julie Onton

Julie Onton, PhD
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation
University of California, San Diego
(858) 458-1927 ext 17

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