[Eeglablist] re-reference without losing the reference channel

Soyoung Kwon brainholic at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 01:21:10 PDT 2008

Dear all,

How can I re-reference to one site electrode without losing the reference
electrode channel?

1. EEG are originally recorded in Pz reference with Forehead grounded.

2. Then, we changed the reference as average reference in eeglab
%% EEG = pop_reref( EEG, [], 'refstate',-19);  % Pz: 19 ch

Now I want to change the current average reference back to original
reference or other one site electrode. So, I tried this..

%% EEG = pop_reref( EEG, 19, 'refstate', 'averef', 'keepref', 'on'); %
average -->19 chan reference.

But this above statement miss one electrode information.

Any ideas with using pop_reref function without losing the reference

Thanks in advance.

Research Assistant,
Dep, of Neurology, Korea University Medical Center, Korea University College
of Medicine
126-1, 5-Ga, Anam-Dong, Sungbuk-Gu, Seoul 136-705, Korea

Tel 82-2-920-5984
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