[Eeglablist] grand erpimage

Maha Adamo maha at psych.utoronto.ca
Tue Jun 3 13:06:14 PDT 2008

Dear EEGLAB users,

Is there a function or simple piece of code I can use to generate an
erpimage for a given condition across all datasets within a study? I have
gotten through all the steps for creating a study with all conditions in all
datasets entered, and I can successfully plot the grand average and all
other options in the STUDY menu, but I haven't found a way to generate a
study erpimage as I am able to do for single datasets.



Maha Adamo

University of Toronto
Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
Department of Psychology
Program in Neuroscience

maha at psych.utoronto.ca
416 978 1539
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