[Eeglablist] how to recover the cluster-average weight vector from the STUDY.cluster structure

Bernie C. Till btill at ece.uvic.ca
Wed Jul 9 12:35:39 PDT 2008


In general, yes.  You can do it and you don't need to modify any code.

All of the functions that have user interfaces can also be called from the
command line.  If you give them the parameters they need, they will just do
what they are told without popping up a dialog box.  For example, to plot a
scalp topology, you might use the command

    Plot > Component Maps > In 2D

EEgLab uses the pop_topoplot() function to do this.  The nice thing about it
is, afterwards, you can use the command

    File > Save History

to see what EEGLab did to produce your plot.  Then you can say

    >> help pop_topoplot

to find out the rest of the information you need to call pop_topoplot()
directly from the command line or from a MatLab script.  Among other things,
you will find

    >> pop_topoplot(EEG); % pops up a parameter query window
    >> pop_topoplot(EEG, typeplot, items, title, plotdip, options...); % no

For other plots, the name of the function is different, but the idea is the

-- Bernie.

-----Original Message-----
From: Viviane Monteiro Braconi [mailto:viviane at sarah.br]
Sent: July 8, 2008 12:28 PM
To: btill at ece.uvic.ca
Subject: RE: [Eeglablist] how to recover the cluster-average weight
vector fromthe STUDY.cluster structure

Is it possible to execute directly all plots without using any menu? Is
there any command for this?

Or, where could I modify the code to don't using menu (for all functions)?


> ----------
> From:
eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu[SMTP:eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu] on
behalf of Bernie C. Till[SMTP:btill at ece.uvic.ca]
> Reply To: 	btill at ece.uvic.ca
> Sent: 	terça-feira, 24 de junho de 2008 18:44
> To: 	eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
> Subject: 	[Eeglablist] how to recover the cluster-average weight vector
fromthe STUDY.cluster structure
> Hi all:
> Can anyone tell me where in the STUDY.cluster structure the weight vector
> stored?  I wish to use some of the cluster-average scalp maps as spatial
> filters to extract ERPs from the EEG data for each subject.  However, I
> can't find the weight vector that defines the scalp maps.  All I can find
> STUDY.cluster.topo, which seems to be the complete scalp map, ready for
> plotting, but useless for spatially filtering the EEG data...
> Assuming that the cluster-average weight vector is, for some bizarre
> not stored with each cluster, can I reconstruct it by simply averaging
> together the indicated rows of the weight matrices for each of the
> in the cluster?  In this case, I imagine that I would need cluster.comps,
> cluster.sets and cluster.topopol... but how exactly do I use them to
> construct the weight vector corresponding to the cluster-average scalp
> Finally, the documentation states "the cluster.topoall cell array contains
> one element for each component and each condition."  What information for
> these elements contain?
> Many thanks for any help you can provide.
> Regards,
> -- Bernie Till
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