[Eeglablist] EEGLAB movie

tarareed1 at tx.rr.com tarareed1 at tx.rr.com
Mon Jul 14 17:15:04 PDT 2008


I would like to make a movie of ERP scalp topography through Matlab/EEGLAB.

The tutorial uses the following code for an easy-to-create movie:

pnts = eeg_lat2point([-100:10:600]/1000, 1, EEG.srate, [EEG.xmin EEG.xmax]);
% Above, convert latencies in ms to data point indices
figure; [Movie,Colormap] = eegmovie(mean(EEG.data(:,128:2:192),3), EEG.srate, EEG.chanlocs, 0, 0);

2 questions:
1. In the 3rd line, I understand EEG.data to refer to my data in components x points x trials, but I don't understand what (:,128:2:192),3 is referring to (or how I should modify that for my own movie).
2. How can I have the latency (that corresponds to the topography) displayed as the movie is playing?
Please let me know if you have any suggestions for creating this type of movie.

Tara Davis Reed

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