[Eeglablist] EEGLAB movie

arno delorme arno at ucsd.edu
Thu Sep 11 07:23:37 PDT 2008

Dear Tara,

> pnts = eeg_lat2point([-100:10:600]/1000, 1, EEG.srate, [EEG.xmin  
> EEG.xmax]);
> % Above, convert latencies in ms to data point indices
> figure; [Movie,Colormap] = eegmovie(mean(EEG.data(:,128:2:192),3),  
> EEG.srate, EEG.chanlocs, 0, 0);
> seemovie(Movie,-5,Colormap);
> 1. In the 3rd line, I understand EEG.data to refer to my data in  
> components x points x trials, but I don't understand what(:, 
> 128:2:192),3 is referring to (or how I should modify that for my own  
> movie).

This is to select a specific time range. Simply put mean(EEG.data,3)  
to plot all time points.

> 2. How can I have the latency (that corresponds to the topography)  
> displayed as the movie is playing?
Use the last option "startsec" (look at the function help).



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