[Eeglablist] event sorting

arno delorme arno at ucsd.edu
Sat Oct 18 04:24:30 PDT 2008

Dear Brian,

that's very easy, just use the eeg_context function. It may only been  
used from the command line now. Type "eeg_context" for more details.
Best regards,


On 2 oct. 08, at 21:57, Brion Woroch wrote:

> Hello EEGlab users,
> I have a dataset imported from BioSemi.  I have two events per trial
> that, a stimulus and a response that follows 2-3 seconds after the
> stimulus that indicates a correct or incorrect answer.  My question
> is how do I sort my stimulus events based upon the subsequent
> response type (ie. correct versus incorrect trials)?
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Brion Woroch

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