[Eeglablist] How to make the channel locations fit the head in the 2-D plot?

Min Bao ustcbm at yahoo.com.cn
Thu Nov 13 14:01:52 PST 2008

Hi experts,

When editing the channel locations, I cannot make the electrodes fit the head contour well. For example, if I press the 'Plot 2-D' button in the 'Edit channel info' window, in some subjects' data all the electrodes just gather inside of the head contour which leaves much space between the head contour and the peripheral electrodes. And in other subjects', some of the peripheral electrodes go far beyond the head contour. I also tried to load the default BESA locations (Edit -> Channel locations -> use BESA file for 4-shell dipfit spherical model) , but the electrodes still go beyond the head contour. Could anyone tell me how you resolved this problem? I just want my topography more beautiful. Thanks a lot!


Min Bao

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