[Eeglablist] Loading events for Net Station Simple Binary (ignore events) files

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 00:27:29 PDT 2011

There are several issues to be careful about here, especially correct
alignment of events.

1. Your simple solution path is to load each file one at a time, and
put only the events for that Netstation recording epoch.
This requires some manipulation of of the events text file you exported,
so that it only has the required time points, and so that it is
in the correct order/formatting for eeglab to import correctly.

2. see also online documentation in the wiki, and in the functions list,
for importing and editing events and event fields.

3. As I am working with netstation files as well, and dealing with
trying to import more events from netstation, it would be great to
hear about any success you have on this topic. I will be
sure to let you know if I come up with a clear solution
for exchanging rich events from netstation to eeglab.

4. you should be worried about timing alignment issues, be sure to double
check, especially if you are being forced to not save out events with your

5. There's something wrong with your netstation or your files (beyond what
described), because you should be able to easily export the events as
a data channel, that ends up in each of the raw files. It's only the TRSP
events (or event fields
form netstation that don't get through automatically). Currently working
on a little sample script that does this.

6. Search eeglab list archives for past communications regarding netstation

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 11:12 PM, Caspar M. Schwiedrzik <
schwiedrzik at mpih-frankfurt.mpg.de> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am facing some problems with a Net Station file. Unfortunately, I
> can only export the data to simple binary using the option "ignore
> events".
> The result is a sequence of numbered raw files, one for each epoch.
> The data was recorded with breaks. The problem I am facing now is that
> the event information (which I exported seperatly) does not fit the
> timing of the raw files, because the raw files ignore the epoch
> breaks. Thus, starting from the second epoch, all event times are
> wrong. I can also export the events with their timing relative to the
> respective epoch start, however, I am not sure how to read in event
> times per epoch/numbered raw file in EEGLAB, since if zou read in the
> numbered raw files in EEGLAB, they are collapsed into one dataset.
> Does anyone have experience with that?
> Thanks and kind regards,
> Caspar M. Schwiedrzik
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