[Eeglablist] EEG topographical maps

Rohan Puri r.puri at uq.edu.au
Thu Jun 16 18:01:42 PDT 2011

Hello everyone,

I am trying to import a neuroscan .AVG file to get topographical head maps but from my limited knowledge and attempts I believe there is no way to do this ? I have done all my preprocessing, epoching and averaging in Neuroscan and just want to create head maps in EEGLAB using the .AVG files (Neuroscan makes them but it is very blurry).

I found this link http://sccn.ucsd.edu/eeglab/allfunctions/loadavg.html that lets one load .AVG files but it's only for ERP purposes. I need a Power * Frequency plot (for power analyses), not a Amplitude * Time plot (which is in ERP analyses).

Any help or guidance would be highly appreciated, thanks a lot, regards,

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