[Eeglablist] Normalized Coherence

Jitesh Joshi jnj256 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 22:17:25 PDT 2011


I am using newcrossf as below to analyze the coherence between two channels:

[coh,mcoh,timesout,freqsout,cohboot,cohangles,allcoher,alltfX,alltfY] =
newcrossf( EEG.data(3,:), EEG.data(12,:), EEG.pnts, [EEG.xmin
EEG.xmax]*1000, EEG.srate, 3 , 'type', 'phasecoher', 'topovec', [3  12],
'elocs', EEG.chanlocs, 'chaninfo', EEG.chaninfo, 'title','Channel T7-T8
Phase Coherence','winsize',128, 'padratio', 16);

I get values in coh, mcoh which are not normalized. How can I get normalized

Thanks and Regards,
Jitesh N Joshi
MSc, Cognitive Systems & Interactive Media,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
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