[Eeglablist] newtimef issues

Ido Davidesco idd at netvision.net.il
Mon Jul 25 02:18:51 PDT 2011

Hi all,
I`m using newtimef on intracranial EEG data, sampled at 500 Hz. I`d like to ask for your advice on a few issues:
1. winsize - I know that the default is frames/8. However, since I`m interested in the range of 1-200 Hz and I`d like to have good time resolution, I`m using a window of 64msec and padratio of 16. Am I going to be criticized for using such a short window?
2. nfreqs & timesout - how does newtimef set the number of output frequencies and times? Is it a simple averaging across times and frequencies? If I`d like to downsample my data (i.e. reduce the time and frequency resolution) - is that the right way to achieve that?
3. Single trial data (tfdata) - I know that this issue has been raised a few times. I`m having some difficulties with the baseline correction of single trials timef data. I`m using this data for classification, so I don`t want to use a global baseline, which introduces dependencies between trials. On the other hand - the single trial baseline is quite noisy. Any ideas?
4. How can I change the overlap between successive windows?
Thanks very much for your help!
Ido Davidesco
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