[Eeglablist] Plotting ERPs from different numbers of electrodes

Budd, Mary-Jane S mbudd at essex.ac.uk
Sun Oct 6 01:39:04 PDT 2013

Dear List,
I use 64 electrode caps to record Adult data and 32 electrode caps to record
from children. I want to collapse my adult and child data onto one ERP plot.
When trying to do this, obviously there are electrodes missing from the
child datasets. What would be the best way to carry this out? Do I just
remove the channels from the adult datasets that are not present in the
children's ones? And if so, how?
Dr Mary-Jane Budd
Senior Research Officer
Department of Psychology
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
Colchester CO4 3SQ

Room 4.726


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