[Eeglablist] open Ph.D. student position

Ulrike Kraemer umkraemer at gmail.com
Thu Nov 7 06:39:22 PST 2013

The Department of Neurology, University of Lübeck seeks to recruit a
Ph.D. student from the 1st of January 2014 onwards. The candidate will 
be working on a project on the neural basis of primary food reward in 
humans using multimodal imaging (EEG-fMRI). An essential part of the 
project will be the development of methods of 
electrophysiological-hemodynamic coupling.

Applicants must hold a Diplom, MSc or equivalent degree in Mathematics,
Physics, Engineering or a relevant discipline. They should have a strong 
interest in cognitive neuroscience and excellent programming skills. 
Preference will be given to applicants experienced in functional imaging 
and/or cognitive electrophysiology.

The position is initially for 2 years with the possibility of renewal. 
The salary will be according to an E13 (TV-L, 50%) position. The 
University of Lübeck is an equal opportunities employer. Applications 
from female candidates are strongly encouraged. In case of compatible 
qualifications, preference will be given to people with disabilities.

Applications should include CV, copies of certificates and letters of
recommendation. Please send initial enquiries and/or applications 
directly to Dr. Nuria Doñamayor Alonso 
(nuria.donamayor at neuro.uni-luebeck.de).

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