[Eeglablist] Electrode Location File For GSN-HydroCel 128

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Thu Dec 19 15:15:56 PST 2013

Hello Muluh,

yes this topic has been mentioned many times on the eeglab list archives.
EEGLAB does not always load up the exactly correct EGI locations, and it is
the case that you need to find the correct chan location file
(Hydrocel or Not, with ref channel or not, etc…), just read the notes in
the EGI chan locations folder
so you can be sure which one you need to use with your data.
Once you find the exact channel location files you need, it should be no
problem importing into EEGLAB via the Channel Locations GUI.

Usually you can easily find your answer via Google.
Your simplest solution is to take a moment to type "EGI channel locations"
on Google,
the first link  will be  the "EEGLAB Channel Location Files" page.
the second link is a set of "eeglab list archive" messages
the third link is the "Channel Location Files" page at SCCN,
which gives links to resources for channel locations from most systems,
including the EGI and BESA channel locations folders, which both contain
EGI channel location files.

Let us know if you the above information does not get you
to a successful further point in your progress. Cheers!
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