[Eeglablist] Editing digitization

Anderson Oliveira asoliv at umich.edu
Tue Sep 30 06:15:35 PDT 2014

Dear EEG lab users,

 I'm recording EEG data from a new wireless EEG system (Cognionics 64
channels) and the equipment has a central spine that runs from the back to
the front, and also some straps that run laterally over the subject's head.
I was planning to digitize the positions of the electrodes, but the
digitization has an offset in relation to the scalp surface due to the
spine and straps. Is there any function in EEGLAB that can account for the
difference between the digitized position and the actual scalp surface?
What I was wondering is if there'd be something like "shrinking the
coordinates" to get the digitized positions closer to the real electrode

 Thanks for the help,

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