[Eeglablist] PhD position deep TMS EEG

Avi Lazarovits avila at post.bgu.ac.il
Wed Sep 23 23:10:11 PDT 2015

Dear EEGLAB community,
The Brain and Behavior lab at the department of life science, Ben Gurion
University of the Negev, Israel, headed by prof. Abraham Zangen is looking
for a PhD student. The lab studies deep-TMS treatment in various
psychiatric disorders and specifically utilize simultaneous EEG-TMS
recordings to investigate neurophysiological substrates of neuro-plasticity
underlying the therapeutic effect. The successful candidate will hold a
bachelor or master degree in bio-medical or electrical engineering,
computer science or related field with strong background and passion toward
signal processing.
Applicants should send their C.V, a short statement of their research
interests and contact information for two references to Dr. Uri Alyagon at:
alygon at post.bgu.ac.il
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