[Eeglablist] Readlocs BrainCap 128 channels (Brain Products)

Klooster, D.C.W. D.C.W.Klooster at tue.nl
Wed Nov 18 00:59:15 PST 2015

Dear EEGlab users,

I have created a .mat structure (containing channum, sph_theta, sph_phi and labels) in order to read the locations of the electrodes in the BrainCap with 128 channels from Brain Products. The theta and phi information were provided in the documentation of the cap. However, when I use topoplot to visualize the electrode positions, most of the electrodes are outside the brain and the coordinate axes seem to be changed.

Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong (it is not the autodetect problem since I tried that already...)? Or is there maybe somebody who wants to share whatever type of readlocs file belonging to the 128 channel BrainCap?

Thank you very much.

Kind regards,
Debby Klooste
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