[Eeglablist] Guidance for exploratory study

Ingram, Richard E - ingramre ingramre at jmu.edu
Wed Sep 21 12:15:29 PDT 2016

Greetings EEGLAB community,

I'm an EEGLAB newbie.  I've done the tutorial and reviewed hundreds of Eeglablist entries.  What a wonderfully supportive community.  I wonder if you might have a few tips on how best to approach analyzing data from an exploratory study?

I have 8 subjects, each of whom has 15 30-second time blocks of continuous EEG data (sampled at 128 Hz from 14 channels) reflecting differences in task difficulty (3 levels) and task condition (3 conditions).  I wrote software that handles the stimuli display and enters markers (generated by mouseclick) into the datastream .  For this first look, I'm more interested in characterizing the continuous data than event-locked data (although I would like to come back to event-locked data later).

How should I organized the data files for import?  Right now I have one data file for each subject.  Should I divvy into 120 separate files (8 subjects x 15 data blocks) with each block uniquely named and import them separately?

As to artifact cleaning, two questions - 1) If I reject artifacts by eye, wouldn't that lead to data blocks of different lengths and so complicate analysis?  2) Or should I use one of the automated methods available via EEGLAB extensions (eg, clean_rawdata, PREPPipeline, ADJUST, AAR) and if so, which do you recommend?

I know these questions may be simplistic but I do appreciate any and all guidance you may provide.


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