[Eeglablist] Fwd: ICLabel project update and announcements

Luca Pion-Tonachini lpionton at ucsd.edu
Fri Jun 30 15:41:50 PDT 2017

Hello EEGLABlist,

I write to all of you with news about the ICLabel project. For 
reference, the ICLabel project is my attempt at creating an automated 
EEG IC classifier that is both high-accuracy and multi-class (discerns 
brain from muscle, eye, heart, etc.). In the past, I've written about 
the ICLabel website (reaching.ucsd.edu:8000/tutorial) 
<reaching.ucsd.edu:8000/tutorial> having hosted a competition based on 
who has submitted more EEG IC labels to the project as well as an 
expansion of the website as an educational and training tool. Now, I 
have some exciting new announcements of features that had been 
previously requested.

*If you are wondering how proficient you are at labeling EEG ICs, you 
can get a rigorous rating based on a statistical crowd-labeling model*. 
When you sign into your account and view your ICLabel profile, there 
will be a colored table showing your estimated proficiency. Note that 
you have to have submitted a nominal amount of labels before you are 
incorporated into the model and that the accuracy of the model's 
estimate of your proficiency depends on how many labels you've submitted 
(more is better). I would suggest a few hundred, which doesn't take as 
long as you would imagine.

There are also some features still in the works, such as labeling 
specific types of component of your choice as well as a comparison of 
classifier performances.

I also want to announce that *we will soon be hosting **another 
competition*! More information to come soon...


Luca Pion-Tonachini
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
     and Department of Electrical Engineering at University of 
California San Diego

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