[Eeglablist] Triggers issues

Andreas Widmann widmann at uni-leipzig.de
Tue Oct 16 08:38:36 PDT 2018

Hi Alex,

the raw data are in BrainVision file format? Which function/plugin do you use for import? In case bva-io I will have a look into the issue if you provide (Dropbox etc.) an example file (raw data) showing the problem.


> Am 16.10.2018 um 14:39 schrieb Alex Lepauvre <alex.lepauvre at gmail.com>:
> Dear All,
> We are currently having an issue with the response triggers of our experiment. It is design as followed: the participants are presented to a stimuli, to which they have to answer, during which we recorded brain activity using 64EEG cap system. On answer, a triggers is sent (S1 for right, S2 for wrong). We therefore theoretically have 2 triggers per trial: a stimulus onset trigger (S10, S20, S30 depending on condition) and an answer trigger. The time between stimulus onset and answer varies, as participant can answer within five seconds after stimulus onset. The issue is that when importing the data in EEGlab, the response triggers get added to the onset triggers. We therefore don't have any S1 or S2 triggers, but only S12, S22... Moreover, some of the answer triggers disappear. We should indeed have an answer trigger following each onset trigger, which is not systematically the case. However, we processed the data using brain vision analyzer, but the problem did not appear with this software (we still have the S1 and S2 triggers, nor any missing triggers inbetween), despite using exactly the same raw data. The problem seems to be due to the importation of the data in EEGlab, as the problem is already present following importation.
> We could not figure out where the problem lies, and we are hoping you could help us figure it out, as this could potentially impair our statistical analysis.
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Best
> Alex Lepauvre
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