[Eeglablist] PhD in Computer Science, Nottingham, UK - Cognitive Neuroscience & VR

Sara Assecondi sara.assecondi at unitn.it
Wed Feb 17 08:12:22 PST 2021

An opportunity has arisen for a PhD studentship within the School of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham (UK) and we are looking for a graduate in Computer Science with an interest in applied psychology who would be interested in submitting an application with Dr Moemeni (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/computerscience/people/armaghan.moemeni__;!!Mih3wA!Qn5Q2SJ2IrOTl-7nwoHJLOGS6zrMo0XVuvosTpW3vTcaMCq8bTdYaBiHXg6BF8yQd5mfYA$  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/computerscience/people/armaghan.moemeni__;!!Mih3wA!Qn5Q2SJ2IrOTl-7nwoHJLOGS6zrMo0XVuvosTpW3vTcaMCq8bTdYaBiHXg6BF8yQd5mfYA$ >)  as mentor on the following project.

Project description: Can virtual environments enhance the effectiveness of cognitive assessment tools used for the elderly suffering from memory decline? 

In a world with an older population that will double by 2050, it is of paramount importance to develop intervention to slow cognitive decline in both pathologically and healthy ageing individuals. Cognitive training is one example of such an intervention with recent evidence indicating that cognitive training in a virtual environment positively affects outcome. Several aspects may contribute the effectiveness of this training, e.g. emotional salience enhances learning in the elderly, who at the same time, are also shown to rely on multi-sensory processes during learning. An easy way to manipulate multi-sensory processes is to work in a virtual environment equipped with multiple sensors. The aim of this proposal is to investigate and develop a cognitive memory assessment paradigm in a controlled virtual environment where the participants’ physiological, cognitive and brain parameters are measured and monitored. The developed system is going to be used to investigate the impact of a multi-sensory environment while designing a computerised cognitive training system for elderly who suffer from memory decline.
This project is in collaboration with the University of Birmingham (UK) and the University of Trento (IT).

Keywords: virtual reality, ambient intelligent systems, sensor fusion, applied psychology, neuroscience, computerised cognitive training system

For further details please get in touch with Dr Armaghan Moemeni (Armaghan.Moemeni at nottingham.ac.uk <mailto:Armaghan.Moemeni at nottingham.ac.uk>)
More details on the grant
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/jobs/currentvacancies/ref/SCI1979__;!!Mih3wA!Qn5Q2SJ2IrOTl-7nwoHJLOGS6zrMo0XVuvosTpW3vTcaMCq8bTdYaBiHXg6BF8zvU5K7wQ$  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/jobs/currentvacancies/ref/SCI1979__;!!Mih3wA!Qn5Q2SJ2IrOTl-7nwoHJLOGS6zrMo0XVuvosTpW3vTcaMCq8bTdYaBiHXg6BF8zvU5K7wQ$ >

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