[Eeglablist] Need help with ERSP plotting

PHAN Hoang Huu Duc phan.duc-hoang516 at mail.kyutech.jp
Mon Jan 22 13:57:32 PST 2024

Hello all,

I am using EEGLAB to plot ERSP for my recorded data.
My problem is that despite my trial epoch for plotting is [-3 7]s (actually about 6.999s in EEGLAB), when I use "std_erspplot" to plot ERSP, the time axis shown in the graph just about [-2 6]s. Since I research about the plotting params, if I don't modify the time limit, it should plot full time range.

This is some of the code I use to plot ERSP:
ERSP_parameters={'cycles', [7 0.8], 'nfreqs', 200, 'ntimesout', 400, 'baseline', baseline, 'winsize', 256, 'padratio', 4};
[STUDY ALLEEG] = std_precomp(STUDY, ALLEEG, {},'savetrials','on','interp','on','recompute','on','ersp','on','erspparams',ERSP_parameters);
 STUDY = pop_erspparams(STUDY,'freqrange',[freqrange_low freqrange_high],'ersplim',[dB_limit_low dB_limit_high]);
 STUDY = std_erspplot(STUDY,ALLEEG,'channels',{chan},'subject', num2str(subjectNum), 'design', subjectNum-3);

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

Best regards,

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