[Eeglablist] Interpreting ICA scalp maps

Faruk Alioglu alio.faruk61 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 07:31:41 PDT 2024

Hello everyone,

In my project, I performed dorsiflexions of the foot as soon as cues
occurred. Only the right foot was used.

I processed the data in EEGLAB with the following steps:

   1. import of data, channel locations and event information
   2. extraction of epochs
   3. removing the baseline values
   4. decompose by ICA

I then have the following problem, I don’t know how to use the ICA
Component maps.

I have the following questions:

   - what shows me in the colorbars of the ICA maps slight hints of
   activity for actual movement. I mean, for example, what are the indications
   of activity for actual movements, e.g. whether it is in the blue or red
   area on the colorbar.

-Apart from that, I would be happy if you could look over my ICA cards and
maybe find hints for actual movements of the right foot, because I am very


[image: image.png]

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