function [Cxy, f] = cohere(varargin) %COHERE Coherence function estimate. % COHERE has been replaced by MSCOHERE. COHERE still works but may be % removed in the future. Use MSCOHERE instead. % % MSCOHERE does not support detrending. Please use the DETREND function % if you need to detrend your signal. Type "help detrend" for details. % % See also PWELCH, CPSD, TFESTIMATE, % ETFE, SPA, and ARX in the Identification Toolbox. % Author(s): T. Krauss, 3-31-93 % Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/12/26 22:15:32 $ error(nargchk(2,7,nargin)) x = varargin{1}; y = varargin{2}; [msg,nfft,Fs,window,noverlap,p,dflag]=psdchk(varargin(3:end),x,y); %#ok error(msg) % compute PSD and CSD window = window(:); n = length(x); % Number of data points nwind = length(window); % length of window if n < nwind % zero-pad x , y if length is less than the window length x(nwind)=0; y(nwind)=0; n=nwind; end x = x(:); % Make sure x is a column vector y = y(:); % Make sure y is a column vector k = fix((n-noverlap)/(nwind-noverlap)); % Number of windows % (k = fix(n/nwind) for noverlap=0) index = 1:nwind; Pxx = zeros(nfft,1); Pyy = zeros(nfft,1); Pxy = zeros(nfft,1); for i=1:k if strcmp(dflag,'none') xw = window.*x(index); yw = window.*y(index); elseif strcmp(dflag,'linear') xw = window.*detrend(x(index)); yw = window.*detrend(y(index)); else xw = window.*detrend(x(index),0); yw = window.*detrend(y(index),0); end index = index + (nwind - noverlap); Xx = fft(xw,nfft); Yy = fft(yw,nfft); Xx2 = abs(Xx).^2; Yy2 = abs(Yy).^2; Xy2 = Yy.*conj(Xx); Pxx = Pxx + Xx2; Pyy = Pyy + Yy2; Pxy = Pxy + Xy2; end % Select first half if ~any(any(imag([x y])~=0)), % if x and y are not complex if rem(nfft,2), % nfft odd select = 1:(nfft+1)/2; else select = 1:nfft/2+1; % include DC AND Nyquist end Pxx = Pxx(select); Pyy = Pyy(select); Pxy = Pxy(select); else select = 1:nfft; end Coh = (abs(Pxy).^2)./(Pxx.*Pyy); % coherence function estimate freq_vector = (select - 1)'*Fs/nfft; % set up output parameters if (nargout == 2), Cxy = Coh; f = freq_vector; elseif (nargout == 1), Cxy = Coh; elseif (nargout == 0), % do a plot newplot; plot(freq_vector,Coh), grid on xlabel('Frequency'), ylabel('Coherence Function Estimate'); end