function dat = read_biosemi_bdf(filename, hdr, begsample, endsample, chanindx); % READ_BIOSEMI_BDF reads specified samples from a BDF continous datafile % It neglects all trial boundaries as if the data was acquired in % non-continous mode. % % Use as % [hdr] = read_biosemi_bdf(filename); % where % filename name of the datafile, including the .bdf extension % This returns a header structure with the following elements % hdr.Fs sampling frequency % hdr.nChans number of channels % hdr.nSamples number of samples per trial % hdr.nSamplesPre number of pre-trigger samples in each trial % hdr.nTrials number of trials % hdr.label cell-array with labels of each channel % hdr.orig detailled EDF header information % % Or use as % [dat] = read_biosemi_bdf(filename, hdr, begsample, endsample, chanindx); % where % filename name of the datafile, including the .bdf extension % hdr header structure, see above % begsample index of the first sample to read % endsample index of the last sample to read % chanindx index of channels to read (optional, default is all) % This returns a Nchans X Nsamples data matrix % Copyright (C) 2006, Robert Oostenveld % % $Log: read_biosemi_bdf.m,v $ % Revision 1.1 2006/02/01 08:18:48 roboos % new implementation, based on some EEGLAB code and a mex file for the binary part of the data % if nargin==1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % read the header, this code is from EEGLAB's openbdf %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FILENAME = filename; % defines Seperator for Subdirectories SLASH='/'; BSLASH=setstr(92); cname=computer; if cname(1:2)=='PC' SLASH=BSLASH; end; fid=fopen(FILENAME,'r','ieee-le'); if fid<0 fprintf(2,['Error LOADEDF: File ' FILENAME ' not found\n']); return; end; EDF.FILE.FID=fid; EDF.FILE.OPEN = 1; EDF.FileName = FILENAME; PPos=min([max(find(FILENAME=='.')) length(FILENAME)+1]); SPos=max([0 find((FILENAME=='/') | (FILENAME==BSLASH))]); EDF.FILE.Ext = FILENAME(PPos+1:length(FILENAME)); EDF.FILE.Name = FILENAME(SPos+1:PPos-1); if SPos==0 EDF.FILE.Path = pwd; else EDF.FILE.Path = FILENAME(1:SPos-1); end; EDF.FileName = [EDF.FILE.Path SLASH EDF.FILE.Name '.' EDF.FILE.Ext]; H1=setstr(fread(EDF.FILE.FID,256,'char')'); % EDF.VERSION=H1(1:8); % 8 Byte Versionsnummer %if 0 fprintf(2,'LOADEDF: WARNING Version EDF Format %i',ver); end; EDF.PID = deblank(H1(9:88)); % 80 Byte local patient identification EDF.RID = deblank(H1(89:168)); % 80 Byte local recording identification %EDF.H.StartDate = H1(169:176); % 8 Byte %EDF.H.StartTime = H1(177:184); % 8 Byte EDF.T0=[str2num(H1(168+[7 8])) str2num(H1(168+[4 5])) str2num(H1(168+[1 2])) str2num(H1(168+[9 10])) str2num(H1(168+[12 13])) str2num(H1(168+[15 16])) ]; % Y2K compatibility until year 2090 if EDF.VERSION(1)=='0' if EDF.T0(1) < 91 EDF.T0(1)=2000+EDF.T0(1); else EDF.T0(1)=1900+EDF.T0(1); end; else ; % in a future version, this is hopefully not needed end; EDF.HeadLen = str2num(H1(185:192)); % 8 Byte Length of Header % reserved = H1(193:236); % 44 Byte EDF.NRec = str2num(H1(237:244)); % 8 Byte # of data records EDF.Dur = str2num(H1(245:252)); % 8 Byte # duration of data record in sec EDF.NS = str2num(H1(253:256)); % 8 Byte # of signals EDF.Label = setstr(fread(EDF.FILE.FID,[16,EDF.NS],'char')'); EDF.Transducer = setstr(fread(EDF.FILE.FID,[80,EDF.NS],'char')'); EDF.PhysDim = setstr(fread(EDF.FILE.FID,[8,EDF.NS],'char')'); EDF.PhysMin= str2num(setstr(fread(EDF.FILE.FID,[8,EDF.NS],'char')')); EDF.PhysMax= str2num(setstr(fread(EDF.FILE.FID,[8,EDF.NS],'char')')); EDF.DigMin = str2num(setstr(fread(EDF.FILE.FID,[8,EDF.NS],'char')')); EDF.DigMax = str2num(setstr(fread(EDF.FILE.FID,[8,EDF.NS],'char')')); % check validity of DigMin and DigMax if (length(EDF.DigMin) ~= EDF.NS) fprintf(2,'Warning OPENEDF: Failing Digital Minimum\n'); EDF.DigMin = -(2^15)*ones(EDF.NS,1); end if (length(EDF.DigMax) ~= EDF.NS) fprintf(2,'Warning OPENEDF: Failing Digital Maximum\n'); EDF.DigMax = (2^15-1)*ones(EDF.NS,1); end if (any(EDF.DigMin >= EDF.DigMax)) fprintf(2,'Warning OPENEDF: Digital Minimum larger than Maximum\n'); end % check validity of PhysMin and PhysMax if (length(EDF.PhysMin) ~= EDF.NS) fprintf(2,'Warning OPENEDF: Failing Physical Minimum\n'); EDF.PhysMin = EDF.DigMin; end if (length(EDF.PhysMax) ~= EDF.NS) fprintf(2,'Warning OPENEDF: Failing Physical Maximum\n'); EDF.PhysMax = EDF.DigMax; end if (any(EDF.PhysMin >= EDF.PhysMax)) fprintf(2,'Warning OPENEDF: Physical Minimum larger than Maximum\n'); EDF.PhysMin = EDF.DigMin; EDF.PhysMax = EDF.DigMax; end EDF.PreFilt= setstr(fread(EDF.FILE.FID,[80,EDF.NS],'char')'); % tmp = fread(EDF.FILE.FID,[8,EDF.NS],'char')'; % samples per data record EDF.SPR = str2num(setstr(tmp)); % samples per data record fseek(EDF.FILE.FID,32*EDF.NS,0); EDF.Cal = (EDF.PhysMax-EDF.PhysMin)./(EDF.DigMax-EDF.DigMin); EDF.Off = EDF.PhysMin - EDF.Cal .* EDF.DigMin; tmp = find(EDF.Cal < 0); EDF.Cal(tmp) = ones(size(tmp)); EDF.Off(tmp) = zeros(size(tmp)); EDF.Calib=[EDF.Off';(diag(EDF.Cal))]; %EDF.Calib=sparse(diag([1; EDF.Cal])); %EDF.Calib(1,2:EDF.NS+1)=EDF.Off'; EDF.SampleRate = EDF.SPR / EDF.Dur; EDF.FILE.POS = ftell(EDF.FILE.FID); if EDF.NRec == -1 % unknown record size, determine correct NRec fseek(EDF.FILE.FID, 0, 'eof'); endpos = ftell(EDF.FILE.FID); EDF.NRec = floor((endpos - EDF.FILE.POS) / (sum(EDF.SPR) * 2)); fseek(EDF.FILE.FID, EDF.FILE.POS, 'bof'); H1(237:244)=sprintf('%-8i',EDF.NRec); % write number of records end; EDF.Chan_Select=(EDF.SPR==max(EDF.SPR)); for k=1:EDF.NS if EDF.Chan_Select(k) EDF.ChanTyp(k)='N'; else EDF.ChanTyp(k)=' '; end; if findstr(upper(EDF.Label(k,:)),'ECG') EDF.ChanTyp(k)='C'; elseif findstr(upper(EDF.Label(k,:)),'EKG') EDF.ChanTyp(k)='C'; elseif findstr(upper(EDF.Label(k,:)),'EEG') EDF.ChanTyp(k)='E'; elseif findstr(upper(EDF.Label(k,:)),'EOG') EDF.ChanTyp(k)='O'; elseif findstr(upper(EDF.Label(k,:)),'EMG') EDF.ChanTyp(k)='M'; end; end; EDF.AS.spb = sum(EDF.SPR); % Samples per Block bi=[0;cumsum(EDF.SPR)]; idx=[];idx2=[]; for k=1:EDF.NS, idx2=[idx2, (k-1)*max(EDF.SPR)+(1:EDF.SPR(k))]; end; maxspr=max(EDF.SPR); idx3=zeros(EDF.NS*maxspr,1); for k=1:EDF.NS, idx3(maxspr*(k-1)+(1:maxspr))=bi(k)+ceil((1:maxspr)'/maxspr*EDF.SPR(k));end;; EDF.AS.IDX2=idx2; %EDF.AS.IDX3=idx3; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % convert the header to Fieldtrip-style %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if any(EDF.SampleRate~=EDF.SampleRate(1)) error('channels with different sampling rate not supported'); end hdr.Fs = EDF.SampleRate(1); hdr.nChans = EDF.NS; hdr.label = cellstr(EDF.Label); % it is continuous data, therefore append all records in one trial hdr.nSamples = EDF.Dur * EDF.SampleRate(1); hdr.nSamplesPre = 0; hdr.nTrials = EDF.NRec; hdr.orig = EDF; % return the header dat = hdr; else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % read the data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if nargin<5 chanindx = 1:hdr.nChans; end % determine the trial containing the begin and end sample epochlength = hdr.nSamples; begepoch = floor((begsample-1)/epochlength) + 1; endepoch = floor((endsample-1)/epochlength) + 1; nepochs = endepoch - begepoch + 1; dat = zeros(length(chanindx),nepochs*epochlength); % read and concatenate all required data epochs for i=begepoch:endepoch % FIXME: this can be implemented more efficient if only one channel has to be read offset = hdr.orig.HeadLen + (i-1)*hdr.nSamples*hdr.nChans*3; % NOTE: this is the only difference between the bdf and edf implementation % buf = read_16bit(filename, offset, hdr.nSamples*hdr.nChans); buf = read_24bit(filename, offset, hdr.nSamples*hdr.nChans); buf = reshape(buf, hdr.nSamples, hdr.nChans); dat(:,((i-begepoch)*epochlength+1):((i-begepoch+1)*epochlength)) = buf(:,chanindx)'; end % select the desired samples begsample = begsample - (begepoch-1)*epochlength; % correct for the number of bytes that were skipped endsample = endsample - (begepoch-1)*epochlength; % correct for the number of bytes that were skipped dat = dat(:, begsample:endsample); % FIXME: calibrate the data end