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<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2>Hi Arno, thanks for your reply.</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2>The weird thing is, I'm certain that all your points below
are true. Both conditions are present in all subjects, and the group
really is a group (ie groups '1' and '2' have different subjects - children vs
adults, and are not ways to sneak in extra conditions).</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2>Just to be sure, I wrote a short script to save the
EEG.setnames, EEG.group, EEG.condition, EEG.ntrials, pnts, srate, xmin and xmax
for all the sets in the Study to a csv file, and all was
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV><SPAN
class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff size=2><FONT
color=#228b22 size=1><FONT color=#228b22 size=1><FONT color=#228b22 size=1>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono" color=#0000ff size=2>% script
for extracting the number of trials of each stimulus, for each</FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono" color=#0000ff size=2>% subject
in a STUDY.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono" color=#0000ff size=2>%STUDY
must be currently open</FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono" color=#0000ff size=2>% loop
over sets in study.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT
face="Andale Mono"></FONT> </DIV></FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT size=1><FONT
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono" size=2>nsets =
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT
face="Andale Mono"></FONT> </DIV></FONT></FONT><FONT color=#228b22
size=1><FONT color=#228b22 size=1><FONT color=#228b22 size=1>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono" color=#0000ff size=2>%make an
empty matrix to fill up with the data</FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono" color=#0000ff size=2>%rows =
sets</FONT></DIV></FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT size=1><FONT size=1>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono" size=2>output = zeros(nsets,
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT
face="Andale Mono"></FONT> </DIV></FONT></FONT><FONT color=#0000ff
size=1><FONT color=#0000ff size=1><FONT color=#0000ff size=1>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono"
size=2>for</FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT size=1><FONT size=1><FONT
face="Andale Mono" color=#000000 size=2> currentset = 1:nsets;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono"><FONT size=2><SPAN
class=371491300-20102008> </SPAN>csetname =
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono"><FONT size=2><SPAN
class=371491300-20102008> </SPAN>ID =
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono"><FONT size=2><SPAN
class=371491300-20102008> </SPAN>output(currentset,1) =
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono"><FONT size=2><SPAN
class=371491300-20102008> </SPAN>output(currentset,2) =
str2num(EEG(currentset).group) ;</FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono" size=2>
output(currentset,3) = str2num(EEG(currentset).condition);</FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono"><FONT size=2><SPAN
class=371491300-20102008> </SPAN>output(currentset,4) =
EEG(currentset).trials ;</FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono"><FONT size=2><SPAN
class=371491300-20102008> </SPAN>output(currentset,5) =
EEG(currentset).pnts ;</FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono" size=2>
output(currentset,6) = EEG(currentset).srate ;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono" size=2>
output(currentset,7) = EEG(currentset).xmin ;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><FONT face="Andale Mono" size=2>
output(currentset,8) = EEG(currentset).xmax ;</FONT></DIV></FONT></FONT><FONT
size=1><FONT size=1><FONT face="Andale Mono" size=2>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left>end</DIV></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></SPAN>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2>Results here if interested <A
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2>The other weird thing is that every other plotting button
works perfectly well, I can see Spect, ERSP, and ITC plots for both conditions
and groups, which makes me think the data must be OK, as I guess all these
measures are being calculated from the same data..?</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2>And all the electrodes are interpolated - I ended up using
v6.01 just to do the electrode interpolation, then switching back to
6.03b(oct2008) to pre-calc all the channel measures. Selecting the
individual setfiles and plotting ERP's also works fine, for both groups and
condition types, so I dont think the data is missing or wrongly arranged.
Any other hints?</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2>Many thanks!</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=371491300-20102008><FONT face=Arial
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff size=2></FONT> </DIV><!-- Converted from text/rtf format -->
<P><B><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#808080>Hamish Innes-Brown</FONT></B>
<BR><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#808080>Senior Research Officer</FONT>
<P><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#33cccc>The Bionic Ear Institute</FONT>
<BR><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#808080>Auditory Clinical Neuroscience
Unit</FONT> <BR><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#808080>c/o St Vincents
Hospital</FONT> <BR><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#808080>6<SUP>th</SUP>
Floor Daly Wing,</FONT> <BR><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#808080>35
Victoria Pde, Fitzroy Vic 3065</FONT> <BR><FONT face="Century Gothic"
color=#808080>Tel: +61 3 9288 3523</FONT> <BR><FONT face="Century Gothic"
color=#808080>Fax: +61 3 6997 7518</FONT> </P>
<DIV> </DIV><BR>
<DIV class=OutlookMessageHeader lang=en-us dir=ltr align=left>
<HR tabIndex=-1>
<FONT face=Tahoma size=2><B>From:</B> eeglablist-bounces@sccn.ucsd.edu
[mailto:eeglablist-bounces@sccn.ucsd.edu] <B>On Behalf Of </B>arno
delorme<BR><B>Sent:</B> Saturday, 18 October 2008 9:58 PM<BR><B>To:</B> Hamish
INNES-BROWN<BR><B>Cc:</B> eeglablist@sccn.ucsd.edu<BR><B>Subject:</B> Re:
[Eeglablist] comparing condition and group ERP's from a
<DIV></DIV>Dear Hamish,
<DIV>some more information about groups and conditions. Optimally:</DIV>
<DIV>- All conditions are supposed to be present in all subjects. If
not, the program should still work but might lead to the empty plots you
are seeing them right now.</DIV>
<DIV>- Groups are supposed to be for different subjects or different
sessions (different ICA decomposition for sure). Using groups within the same
subjects (to define a second condition) might work but not always. This is
pushing the limits of the program.</DIV>
<DIV>- You should interpolate missing electrodes. Once more, if you do
not do that, the program should work but the average will take into account
different subjects at each channel location.<BR>
<DIV>We are working on these limitations. You will be able to select several
conditions and/or groups. </DIV>
<DIV>On 14 oct. 08, at 07:35, Hamish INNES-BROWN wrote:</DIV><BR
<BLOCKQUOTE type="cite">
<DIV><!-- Converted from text/rtf format -->
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>Hi EEGLAB list.</FONT> </P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>I'm currently trying to track down the source of a
problem i have plotting condition and group ERP's from the STUDY channel
measures menu.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>I have all the 'group' and 'condition' data loaded
into the EEG.group and EEG.condition. The correct group and condition
numbers pop up in the study info window when all the subjects are loaded into
the study.. In EEG.group and EEG.condition the values are strings (but
numerals). I have groups '1' and '2', and conditions '111' and
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>The study looks like this</FONT> <BR><FONT
face=Arial size=2>>> STUDY</FONT> <BR><FONT face=Arial size=2>STUDY =
</FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial
size=2> name:
'Study1'</FONT> <BR><FONT face=Arial size=2> datasetinfo:
[1x58 struct]</FONT> <BR><FONT face=Arial
size=2> cluster: [1x1 struct]</FONT>
<BR><FONT face=Arial size=2>
changrp: [1x63 struct]</FONT> <BR><FONT face=Arial
size=2> task:
''</FONT> <BR><FONT face=Arial
size=2> notes: ''</FONT>
<BR><FONT face=Arial size=2> filename:
'STUDY_ALL.study'</FONT> <BR><FONT face=Arial
size=2> filepath:
face=Arial size=2> history: [1x3126
char]</FONT> <BR><FONT face=Arial
size=2> subject: {1x29 cell}</FONT>
<BR><FONT face=Arial
size=2> group:
{'1' '2'}</FONT> <BR><FONT face=Arial
size=2> session: []</FONT> <BR><FONT
face=Arial size=2> condition: {'111'
'122'}</FONT> <BR><FONT face=Arial
size=2> setind: [2x29
double]</FONT> <BR><FONT face=Arial
size=2> etc:
[1x1 struct]</FONT> <BR><FONT face=Arial
size=2> preclust: [1x1 struct]</FONT>
<BR><FONT face=Arial
size=2> saved:
'yes'</FONT> </P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>Now, when plotting the channel measures, I select
"plot conditions on the same panel", and get two plots as expected. The
first (group '1') has two lines, as expected. One is labelled '111' and
the other '122'. All OK. However underneath there is an empty plot,
labelled '2', but with no lines.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>I thought this might be somehow a fault in my data
or the way the conditions and groups are entered (maybe they should be
numbers, not strings?) so I tried loading the example data (5subjects.zip),
and added a group variable. Same problem however.</FONT></P><BR>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>Anyone had any luck with this before?</FONT> </P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>Many thanks</FONT> </P><BR><BR><BR>
<P><B><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#808080>Hamish Innes-Brown</FONT></B>
<BR><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#808080>Senior Research Officer</FONT>
<P><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#33cccc>The Bionic Ear Institute</FONT>
<BR><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#808080>Auditory Clinical Neuroscience
Unit</FONT> <BR><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#808080>c/o St Vincents
Hospital</FONT> <BR><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#808080>6<SUP>th</SUP>
Floor Daly Wing,</FONT> <BR><FONT face="Century Gothic" color=#808080>35
Victoria Pde, Fitzroy Vic 3065</FONT> <BR><FONT face="Century Gothic"
color=#808080>Tel: +61 3 9288 3523</FONT> <BR><FONT face="Century Gothic"
color=#808080>Fax: +61 3 6997 7518</FONT>
</P></DIV>_______________________________________________<BR>Eeglablist page:
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