<br>I used<br>[coh,mcoh,timesout,freqsout,cohboot,cohangles]= pop_newcrossf( eeg, 1, i, j, [-2000 1998], [3 0.5] ,'type', 'phasecoher', 'topovec', [i j], 'elocs', chanlocs, 'chaninfo', chaninfo, <b>'alpha', 0.01</b>,'padratio', 4);<br>
<br>I obtained 'coherence' color coded time-frequency map. I saw the non-significant output values as green in the map.<br>As far as I know, this 'coherence' values is in the variable 'coh'. However, I cannot find any '0' values in 'coh', while the map shows 'green'.<br>
This is strange.<br><br><u>I want to get statistically significant 'phase coherence' values using option 'alpha', but I think I misued the option 'alpha' or something.</u><br><br>Thank you.<br><br>
Kyongsik Yun<br><br>