Hi-<br><br>I'm currently trying to use EEGlab (currently using 6.03b) with Matlab 2009a to analyze some CNT files obtained from NeuroScan 4.3. The first problem I am running into is that the waves in the CNT file are filled in, and not a line.<br>
<br>I epoched the CNT file and then sorted based on events. I am trying to look at the data for one of these types of events. When I choose to scroll the channel data, I still see the filled-in waves, instead of a line. When I zoom in, it looks almost as if there's an extremely high frequency wave that is overlaid on top of the normal wave. It doesn't have this appearance in Neuroscan. Every time I try to filter any of the files, Matlab crashes. <br>
<br>Then when I try to plot the channel spectra and maps, channel locations do not appear on the plot. I have already looked up the channel locations and verified in the 2-d map that the channel locations are correct. This operation also appears to crash matlab entirely. <br>
<br>Any help would really be appreciated.<br><br>Thanks!<br>Danielle<br>