Hi Jordi,<br>In response to your question "Is this PCA that constrains the possible ICs implemented by default in
the method or it is something you had to perform in order to be able to
use FASTER with your dataset?", the PCA reduction is performed by default in FASTER when ICA is run, to constrain the number of independent components computed based on a) the k-value, a measure of the number of points per IC (as mentioned in the EEGLAB handbook, and "<span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: "Calibri","sans-serif";" lang="EN-US">Information-based modeling of event-related brain dynamics." by Onton et al)</span>, and b) the number of interpolated channels, as mentioned previously. Is this necessary to be able to use FASTER? Well, during testing of the FASTER method we ran tests of various k-values for a number of datasets, using 15, 25, 40 and also 1, to see the effect on the output. Generally, the high variance components, particularly the EOG component, was little affected by this, but the lower variance components were - this included pop-offs and other transient artifacts. These lower variance components were often split into numerous components, which made detection of artifacts difficult. It's a difficult issue, to determine the correct number of sources - we found that the value of k = 25 gave good results, so we stuck with that. Of course, experimentation could show a different value works better on your own particular dataset - if so, let us know, we are always eager to hear.<br>
Hugh and Rob<br><br>-- <br>Hugh Nolan,<br>Trinity Centre for Bioengineering,<br>Printing House,<br>Trinity College Dublin.<br><br>Tel: +353861297722<br>