Hello,<br><br>I could not find any answer to my question in the archive.<br>I am running eeglab v9.0.2.3b under linux ubuntu 9 jaunty 32bits with matlab 7.10.0<br>All the push buttons from the pop-up boxes (for example the edit channel location panel) appear in black and are thus unreadable. Once clicked, they appear correctly. I tried changing the desktop theme as I had luck resolving a similar issue in Skype, but it did'nt work. Of course I could just do scripting but it is a bit annoying for exploratory steps. Any hint ?<br>
<br>Thanks a lot in advance,<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Alexandre<br><br>ps : i am not sure it will be included in the list for space reasons but attached I include a <a href="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_6owmGdC8GGQ/TTYhi41SruI/AAAAAAAAAA8/w_9yzL2fH3w/s640/unreadable%20buttons%20EEGLAB.png">screenshot</a> illustrating the problem<br>