function ns_fixEvtOrder(numCols,dataroot) %NS_FIXEVTORDER % % ns_fixEvtOrder(numCols,dataroot) % % Inputs: % % numCols: the number of columns in each original .evt file % % dataroot: the location of the original .evt files; also where the new % .evt files are saved (default: pwd) % % no inputs necessary. processes all .evt files in the current working dir % by default. otherwise, specify where the .evt files are located. % % This script sorts NetStation evt files (exported from any segmented file % using the Event Export tool) by category and then orders the events by % occurrence time. This is useful for when NS incorrectly labels the time % in evt file created from the seg file such that the onset time refers to % the event's occurence in the continuous session file. Instead, the onset % time should refer to the event's location in the segmented file, where % the events are separate in time but are contiguous in the file. This % script corrects the onset time to the latter situation sorted first by % category (alphabetically) and then by onset time. % % To create the evt file(s) that this script reads in, make an Event Export % tool in NS; check the "Export Category Name" box and set Time Mode to % either Relative or Epoch Time. It does not matter whether you sort by % category or by onset. Of course, you also need to choose the event types % to export. Drag the segmented NS file created from the original % continuous recording file onto the tool to find the event types that you % want. % % The new evt file can be used to markup a nsf file created from the sbin % or egis file created by EP_Toolkit (this is my only reason for creating % this script). Use the Markup From File tool in NS; note that the nsf and % evt files must have the filenames. % % In this script the user must set (or hard code): % 1) the number of columns in the original evt files (must be the same for % all input files) % 2) where the original evt files (created from the seg files) are located % (default is the current directory) % 3) the column numbers in the evt file for Category and Onset % 4) the segmentation times before and after an event (all events must % have the same length) % 5) the extension for the new evt file % % NB: % 1 and 2 can be set in the function arguments; % 3, 4, and 5 are hardcoded in the script. % % By Matt Mollison (2010-2011), %% To be set by the user if nargin < 2 % 1) where the evt files are located dataroot = pwd; if nargin < 1 % 2) the number of columns in the original evt file numCols = 43; end end % 3) the columns for Onset and Category cols.onset = 5; cols.categ = 7; % 4) the amount of ms segmented before and after the event, respectively prepost = [1000 2000]; % 5) the extension to be used on the new evt file evtExt = '_e.evt'; %% Read in the old evt and write out the new evt % Find the evt files fprintf('Searching for .evt files in %s...',dataroot); evt = dir(fullfile(dataroot,'*.evt')); if ~isempty(evt) fprintf('found %d.\n',length(evt)); else error('No .evt files found!'); end for i = 1:length(evt) fprintf('Processing %s...',evt(i).name); % initialize the timeMode timeModeStr = []; %% Read in the evt file [path,name,ext] = fileparts(evt(i).name); fid = fopen(fullfile(dataroot,evt(i).name),'r'); data = textscan(fid,repmat('%s',1,numCols),'Headerlines',3,'Delimiter','\t'); fclose(fid); %% 1. sort by category if ~issorted(data{cols.categ}) [categ categInd] = sort(data{cols.categ}); for j = 1:numCols data{j} = data{j}(categInd); end end %% 2. sort by onset time or epoch number within each category categs = unique(data{cols.categ}); for j = 1:length(categs) thisCatInd = []; for k = 1:length(data{cols.categ}) if strcmp(data{cols.categ}(k),categs{j}) thisCatInd = [thisCatInd; k]; end end thisCatOnsets = data{cols.onset}(thisCatInd); % if the onset times have epoch numbers inside square brackers, then % we're in epoch time mode if ~isempty(strfind(thisCatOnsets{1},'[')) if isempty(timeModeStr) timeModeStr = 'Time Mode: Epoch Time'; end % order by epoch numbers epochNumbers = []; for k = 1:length(thisCatOnsets) thisEpochNum = str2double(thisCatOnsets{k}(strfind(thisCatOnsets{k},'[')+1:strfind(thisCatOnsets{k},']')-1)); epochNumbers = [epochNumbers; thisEpochNum]; end [epoch epochInd] = sort(epochNumbers); % sort the events within this category for k = 1:numCols data{k}(thisCatInd) = data{k}(epochInd + min(thisCatInd) - 1); end else % otherwise the onset times are _hh:mm:ss.sss; order by these times if isempty(timeModeStr) timeModeStr = 'Time Mode: Relative Time'; end onsetTimesMS = []; for k = 1:length(thisCatOnsets) hrs = str2double(thisCatOnsets{k}(2:3)); mins = str2double(thisCatOnsets{k}(5:6)); secs = str2num(thisCatOnsets{k}(8:end)); % convert to ms so we can sort h_ms = hrs * (1000 * 60 * 60); m_ms = mins * (1000 * 60); s_ms = secs * 1000; ms = h_ms + m_ms + s_ms; onsetTimesMS = [onsetTimesMS; ms]; end [onsetMS onsetMSInd] = sort(onsetTimesMS); % sort the events within this category for k = 1:numCols data{k}(thisCatInd) = data{k}(onsetMSInd + min(thisCatInd) - 1); end end % epoch/onset end % categs %% renumber epochs or onset times if ~isempty(strfind(data{cols.onset}{1},'[')) % epochs for k = 1:length(data{cols.onset}) left = data{cols.onset}{k}(1:strfind(data{cols.onset}{k},'[')); right = data{cols.onset}{k}(strfind(data{cols.onset}{k},']'):end); data{cols.onset}{k} = sprintf('%s%s%s',left,num2str(k),right); end else % onset times in NS's _hh:mm:ss.sss format mstime = prepost(1); for k = 1:length(data{cols.onset}) hrs = sprintf('%02.0f',floor(mstime / (1000 * 60 * 60))); mins = sprintf('%02.0f',floor(mod(mstime,(1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60))); secs = sprintf('%06.3f',mod(mod(mstime,(1000 * 60 * 60)),(1000 * 60)) / 1000); timeStr = sprintf('_%s:%s:%s',hrs,mins,secs); data{cols.onset}{k} = sprintf('%s',timeStr); mstime = mstime + prepost(1) + prepost(2); end end %% save out the new evt file newEvtFile = [name,evtExt]; fprintf('Saving %s...',newEvtFile); outfile = fopen(fullfile(dataroot,newEvtFile),'wt'); % put in the basic info at the top fprintf(outfile,'%s\r',name); fprintf(outfile,'%s\r',timeModeStr); fprintf(outfile,'Code\tLabel\tType\tTrack\tOnset\tDuration\tCategory\r'); % and add the rest of the data for j = 1:length(data{cols.categ}) thisline = sprintf('data{1}{%d}',j); for k = 2:numCols thisline = [thisline sprintf(',data{%d}{%d}',k,j)]; end formatStr = repmat('%s\t',1,numCols); eval(sprintf('fprintf(outfile,''%s%s'',%s);',formatStr(1:end-2),'\r',thisline)); end fclose(outfile); fprintf('Done.\n'); end