Hello,<br><br>I'm wondering if anyone else seems to have issues importing 32 bit neuroscan CNT files into eeglab (I've made sure that the 32 bit option is flagged when i go to read in the files). The data were recorded with a synamp2 64 channel amp. When I view the data with the eeglab plotter data from several channels do not appear at any scale, and the latencies of the channels that do display seem off in comparison to what things look like in neuroscan 4.5. There was a similar post made around 2009 but no apparent resolution. When I open epoched neuroscan EEG files, however, things seem fine. I suppose I could do all my preprocessing in neuroscan and then read in my EEG files, but I'm trying to move my entire pipeline into eeglab. Any help or even guesses would be wonderful. <br>
<br>Thanks,<br>Leif Oines <br>