<h3 style>The University of Chicago</h3><p style>A postdoctoral position will be available for three years in the <a href="http://scnl.org/" target="_blank" style="color:rgb(17,85,204)">Social Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Chicago</a>, starting June 2012. Candidates must have a PhD in neuroscience, developmental, cognitive or social psychology or related fields, a strong background in working with children, expertise with high-density EEG/ERPs techniques, highly motivated to conduct behavioral and neuroimaging research in the development of morality and socioemotional processing. The position offered does not include any teaching obligations.</p>
<p style>This project focuses on studying the development of moral decision making in children and adolescents (aged between 4-18) across different cultures including the USA, China, Turkey and South Africa.</p><p style>To apply, send by email to Professor Jean Decety ( <a href="mailto:decety@uchicago.edu" target="_blank" style="color:rgb(17,85,204)">decety@uchicago.edu</a>) <u>a single PDF file</u> containing a letter of motivation and a statement of research interest, a complete CV, and the contact information of three academic personalities who can support the candidate.</p>
--<br>Keith Yoder<br>Social Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory<br>University of Chicago<br>