Dear all,<br><br>I have a question regarding the output of the newtimef function.<br>I am using the following command (input data: 1 participant, 1 condition, electrode # 67. My
sampling rate is 250 Hz and the epochs go from -400 to 996 ms (350
frames)):<br><br>[ersp,times,freqs] = newtimef( (67,:,:), 350, [-400 996], 250, [1 0.5],'baseline',[NaN], 'freqs', [4 50], 'freqscale', 'log', 'padratio', 4, 'plotphase', 'off', 'plotitc', 'off');<br>
<br>The resulting plot is showing frequencies from 4 to 50 Hz (which is what I was looking for) but I do not understand the output I get for 'freqs':<br>The values range from 1.6608914e+04 to 3.0225791e+05.<br>Shouldn't they simply be in Hz and go from 4 to 50 Hz? Do I have to convert them to get the correct values or is there something else that I am doing wrong?<br>
<br>Also my 'times' output is not a vector of output times in ms, but a 47 x 200 martix with complex numbers.<br><pre></pre><br>Thanks a lot for your help,<br>Katharina<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><font color="#888888"><div>
<span>Katharina Limbach</span></div>
<div>PhD Candidate</div>
<div>Department of Psychology</div>
<div>University of Auckland</div>
<div>Private Bag 92019</div>
<div>New Zealand</div>
<div>tel: <a value="+6493737599">+ 64 9 3737 599 ext 85969</a></div></font><br>