Hello,<br><br>I'm trying to use single trial data in a certain TimeFrequency window of a component cluster to sort trials.<br><br>I need to extract for each subject of my study the level of activity in a given TF window for a specific cluster of components.<br>
I run:<br>[STUDY, erspdata, times, freqs, erspbase] = std_readersp(STUDY, ALLEEG, 'clusters', 2, 'singletrials','on','subject','1');<br><br>and that gives me erspdata{1} of dimensions [timepoints, frequencies, trials], but with manymany trials.<br>
I figured out that these trials were for all my subjects and components of that cluster by looking into STUDY.cluster(2). I understand that STUDY.cluster(2).erspsubjinds{1} in there would allow me extracting the signle trials, but I don't know how to pick the right column of erspsubjinds. I guess I have to use a combination of .sets, .setinds or .allinds, but I can't find the right combo... Can I find help about this anywhere? or am I digging too deep?<br>
<br>Many thanks,<br>Max<br><br>