Dear experts,<br><br>I would like to plot a tftopo image using the data extracted from the newtimef() function.<br><br>In the wiki-eeglab, I found the script for plotting the same graph, but using the output of the function timef() instead of the function newtimef(). <br>
(<a href=""></a>)<br><br>Then, the problem concerns the erspboot:<br>- while the function timef() provides the erspboot Matrix (2,nfreqs) of [lower;upper] ERSP significance diffs, <br>
the function newtimef() returns the erspboot as a mask for the ersp values that is a matrix of dimension [nfreq , times] even if the help of this function says that "erspboot = (nfreqs,2) matrix of [lower upper] ERSP significance." , like the help of timef() do.<br>
<br>I would like to know if there is a way to obtain the min and max boot values from the mask or a built-in function that transforms the output of newtimef() with that of timef().<br><br> I report here the output obtained with the parameters "... 'timesout' [895] 'nfreq' [19] ..." <br>
ersp: [19x895 single]<br> itc: [19x895 single]<br> powbase: [1x19 single]<br> times: [1x895 double]<br> freqs: [1x19 double]<br> erspboot: [19x895 logical]<br> itcboot: [19x1 double]<br>
tfdata: [19x895x17 single]<br><br>17 are the trials of my dataset.<br><br>Thanks in advance <br><br><br>-- <br> -Michele-<br>