<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>Research Assistant Position available at the Maryland Psychiatric
Research Center working in lab of Jim Gold. The focus of the lab is
on the nature of attention, working memory, and motivational
impairments in schizophrenia. Methods include <b>behavioral testing, EEG,
and fMRI</b>. The work on attention and working memory is done in
collaboration with Steve Luck at UC Davis, while the work on
motivation is done in collaboration with Michael Frank at Brown
University. <br><br>Ideal candidate would bring experience with one or more
of the main methods used in the lab. <br><br>Experience with Active electrodes
( BioSemi or Brain Products systems) very desirable as is experience
using EEG Lab software. Experience working with people with severe
mental illness highly desirable. Opportunities to publish available.
<br><br>Many lab alums have gone on to medical school and Ph.D. programs.<br>
To apply, go to....<br>
<a href="https://www.healthcaresource.com/umbaltimore/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.jobDetails&template=dsp_job_details.cfm&cJobId=413809" target="_blank">https://www.healthcaresource.com/umbaltimore/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.jobDetails&template=dsp_job_details.cfm&cJobId=413809</a><br>
The position will be posted for 1 week-until Friday August 1.<br><br><br></div>Matthew Albrecht, PhD<br></div>Postdoctoral Fellow<br></div>Maryland Psychiatric Research Center<br></div>University of Maryland<br></div>Email: <a href="mailto:malbrecht@mprc.umaryland.edu">malbrecht@mprc.umaryland.edu</a><br>