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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Windows-1252"></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space;">** Apologies for multiple postings **<br> <br>Dear colleagues,<br> <br>Please find below the offer for a PhD student position in Psycho-/Neurolinguistics in my laboratory, to begin in October 2014 (or possibly later). Please feel free to forward this announcement to those on your team who you believe might be interested in the position.<br> <br>Best regards,<br>Dietmar<br> <br> <br> <br><b>The newly established research group "Neurobiology of language" in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Salzburg (Austria) conducts research on online language processing, also in interaction with other cognitive sub-systems.</b><br> <br>In the context of a project on neurocognitive correlates of language acquisition/L1-L2/Bilingualism we invite applications for the following position:<br><ul><li><b>1 PhD position</b></li><li>B1 Uni-KV §26 (75%)</li><li>€ 1.961,85 gross (14x annually)</li><li>The position is for <b>4 years</b></li></ul>We are searching for candidates with a background in Linguistics and/or Psychology with a focus on Psycho- and/or Neurolinguistics. Previous experience in experimental research and/or in collecting and analyzing EEG and/or eye-tracking data is desirable but not mandatory. The candidate will be expected to undertake a PhD degree within the context of the project, and design, implement, and analyze experiments (EEG/eye tracking/fNIRS) on the project topic with native speakers. S/he will also be expected to write up the results for publication. Contribution to administration and teaching (max. 2 hours per term week) may be required.<br> <br>Applicants are expected to have the following skills:<br><ul><li>Master's degree in Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology, Linguistics, or a related discipline</li><li>Excellent command of both English and German; additional knowledge of Russian is a plus. Native knowledge of one of the three languages is desired</li><li>Demonstrated ability and high motivation to conduct high-quality research publishable in quality international peer-reviewed journals</li><li>Familiarity with experimental research designs</li><li>Good knowledge of statistics or commitment to acquire it</li><li>Dynamic and motivated</li><li>Capacity to work both independently and as part of a team</li><li>Solid programming skills (i.e., MATLAB® and/or R) are a plus</li><li>Familiarity with the concept and analysis of oscillatory brain activity is a plus </li></ul>The successful candidate will participate in the activities of the newly established <b>Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience</b> (CCNS), and can apply for the international <b>PhD program</b> “<a href="http://www.uni-salzburg.at/index.php?id=87">Imaging the Mind</a>“ as an associated student (second funding period expected to begin October 2015).<br> <br>The CCNS promotes a rich research environment and provides access to the most advanced behavioral and neuroimaging techniques, including 3 Tesla MRI, compatible EEG, TMS/navigation, high-density, depth and conventional EEG, tDCS, fNIRS, eye tracking, somatic physiology systems, several well-equipped behavioral labs and an MEG which will be operational in 2016. The CCNS equipment is exclusively dedicated to research, which provides a unique opportunity for graduate students to have generous access to such equipment for learning these modern techniques and using them in their research.<br> <br>We welcome applications from handicapped people. We particularly welcome applications from women. Given equal suitability, qualifications and professional achievement women will be given preference, unless particular circumstances pertaining to a male applicant predominate.<br> <br>Applicants should submit relevant documents (a detailed curriculum vitae, a photo, a copy of their Master's certificate, names of two referees, a letter of motivation detailing the candidate's particular scientific experience, knowledge, competencies and interests).<br> <br>The <b>deadline </b>for application submission is <b>September 9th, 2014</b><br> <br>Please send your application documents as a single pdf file via E-Mail with the subject heading “<b>GZ A 0104/1-2014</b>” to: <a href="mailto:dietmar.roehm@sbg.ac.at">dietmar.roehm@sbg.ac.at</a>.<br> <br>For questions please contact:<br> <br>Prof. Dr. Dietmar Roehm <br>Department of Linguistics & Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience<br>University of Salzburg<br>Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1 <br>A-5020 Salzburg<br>Website: <a href="http://www.uni-salzburg.at/spr/roehm">http://www.uni-salzburg.at/spr/roehm</a><br>(p) +43-662-8044-4271<br>(e) <a href="mailto:dietmar.roehm@sbg.ac.at">dietmar.roehm@sbg.ac.at</a></body></html>