Dear Roy<br />
Non-zero reference is a long-standing disgusting problem as there is no point on the scalp surface where the potential is zero or constant that can be adopted as the dreamed reference.<br />
Currently, there are two approaches that are reference -free. <br />
One is the well-known sclap Laplaican or called "scalp current density", it is referenece free, however, it is not the original "potential" but the deduced "current ", and it is much sensitive to noise, careful pre-processings are needed.<br />
The other is the "reference electrode standardization technique(REST)", which may translate an actual recordings with any a physical reference (non zero) to an approximate zero reference (infinity reference), it has been evaluated and adopted by many colleagures around the world.<br />
Here is the web of REST:<br /><br />
the software is free, and if you have any problems, welcome to contact us.<br />
Best wishes <br />
---------- Origin message ----------<br />
>From£º"Roy Cox" <><br />
>To£º"\'eeglablist\' (" <><br />
>Subject£º[Eeglablist] average reference and connectivity<br />
>Date£º2015-06-18 01:47:25<br />
<div data="0" id="_">
<address>Dezhong Yao PhD<br />
Cheung Kong Professor of Neuroengineering, Neuroimaging<br />
E-mail:<br />
Fax: 86-28-83208238; Tel: 86-28-83201018<br />
Director, Key Laboratory for NeuroInformation, Ministry of Education, China<br />
International Joint Research Center for NeuroInformation, Ministry of Science and Technology, China <br />
Dean, School of Life Science and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Sichuan,Chengdu 610054, China<br />
Director, Center for Information in BioMedicine, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China<br /><br />